Doodles: Why is it that when I am cramped into a little moldy room on a mountain, teaching screaming children half the day and enduring children screaming at me through my window the other half, I make art I am happy with? And when I find myself in a giant, quiet house in Fiji with nothing to do except create amazing sublime pieces, I can't. For some reason--inertia?--I've lately been creatively existing only on the life support of illustration webpages that force me to make a piece once a week. But I want to get beyond that once more... so here are some pieces that I think are good, before I leave on my cross-continent adventures.
Thoughts: Yes, I'm leaving on Saturday to continue my journey around the world in a little more than 80 days. Schedule, starting point a month ago in Taiwan:
Taipei, Taiwan--Suva, Fiji--Tokyo, Japan--Kyoto, Japan--Osaka, Japan--Shanghai, China--Beijing, China--Ulaan Bataar, Mongolia--Lake Baikal, Russia--Moscow, Russia--St Petersberg, Russia--Helsinki, FInland--Syracuse, NY, USA--Boston, USA--Taipei, Taiwan
I'm looking forward to ger camps and Stroganov and awesome Japanese contemporary art! But until I reach Taipei again a month from now I'll have erratic internet access. I will try, however, to post some thoughts and maybe some sketches from the Trans-Siberian.