The topic this week got me inspired... I imagine this as a huge pattern covering a wall, all about the negative spaces created by a sea of floating people blowing bubble-gum balloons. Perhaps I could make it even flatter, just using one color or using Photoshop rather than watercolors, so as to make the piece more of a pattern, more graphic, less of a landscape or scene. This beginning (I hope) is made of big balloons of bubblegum and tiny children (I made one Fijian, a boy with a red flowered shirt and a skirt...to recap, I'm in Fiji visiting my parents right now before returning to Taiwan). I want to make it more obvious that they are bubblegum balloons though.
I really like this and I can clearly see that the children are blowing bubbles in gum. I think it is a beautiful piece as it is!
I think it is perfect just the way it is! Nice job. You have a very strange and interesting brain. :-)
Oh yes, don't photoshop it! The watercolors bring life to it! Wonderful!
Very cool illo! I love your color use and the abstraction of it all. Nice! =)
Interesting how some themes "work" better for some of us than others. I like what you did with this... and agree with rrramone!
I like this one a lot, great composition!
The one on the top right looks like a grape to me. Fun and wonderful.
great idea! I didn't even notice the children at first and saw it as something completely abstract, then the children just added so much to it. Great composition and colours!
great job!!!! bellissimo!
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