A sad title for my first real post, but very true to describe today, a beautiful and sad day. I teach at 6 schools, 3 main schools and 3 coschools--the coschools alternate every thursday. So today was my last day at one of my coschools. I have only taught at this school about 5 times tops, but for some reason the kids adore me. I guess I have rock-star appeal because I go so rarely. (When I first came, for example, they suffocated me in a giant mass asking for autographs..) So tears when I finally left today. I doubt I will ever see them again. They are such beautiful kids--living in an isolated village in the most beautiful in area in the world might do that to you, I guess. Then this evening the 6th graders at my main main school, Datong, had a graduation party that began with lipsyncing to ridiculous Mandarin pop songs and finished with the entire class (basically) bawling, hugging each other, me, and sending out tributes to their teachers and parents. I cried too, of course.
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