Of all the things in taiwan that have made this time special for me--the friends i've made, the beautiful place where i live, the amazing food i've eaten--the thing that i will miss the most when i leave is the children. Hands down. If I didn't have these children who make me laugh every day and have made me cry on more than one occasion my time here would lack color. What have I learned from these crazy little kids that climb over my body like monkeys on a tree, rap on my windowpane several times a day, storm me with hugs so that i trip and fall? That:
there can never be too many hugs in this world, its best to ration them out in such quantities that your victim's health is compromised.
you can never ask too many questions. Or even make too many demands.
bodily contact is the heart of life.
the more dramatic bravura you can pull off while remaining tongue in cheek the more interesting you are.
the more random facial distortions you can pull off and cool hand gestures you know, the more rich your life and relationships.
Basically, life is simple. And simple things, like making faces, are what make life good. This, at least, is my interpretation of that indellible mark they've left on me.
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