Doodle: another watercolor portrait, of my neighbor and his son, a second grade boy. These are the people who are always feeding me the random animals they hunt. They are also the ones who have made me feel like a part of this community.
Thought: On following your dreams. I just finished reading the book, "The Alchemist". Its supposed to be a life changing book--an inspiration that forces the reader to follow his dreams. Books like this annoy me because they emphasize the concept of destiny above all else. Their whole point is to follow your heart in order to achieve a destiny that God has laid out for you in advance...which is abhorrent to me not because I want to believe that I control my future but because I don't believe God decides in advance what kind of life is best for you. If I don't become a famous artist someday it will not be because I have not been strong enough to follow my heart in order to achieve my destiny. It will be because I have made decisions and, for some reason that I can't comprehend now and seriously doubt will ever happen, decided that other things are more important. Or, in a worse case scenario, because I have slipped into some routine that doesn't include art and lack the gumption to try to continue. People drift through life and if that makes them miserable it is the curse of one of those two things--either their particular priorities or the onset of inertia. The closest I come to believing in pursuing destiny is my need to never give in to that kind of lethargy.
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